Why do We Focus on Dialysis?
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a major public health issue that affects over 10% of the general population worldwide and is a leading cause of death and disability. It presents as a especially large burden in Bangladesh, where the prevalence is as high as 26%, greater than the global prevalence. One may assume it to be even higher if the rural regions are factored in, where the lack of awareness of kidney disease is even more pronounced compared to urban areas.
According to the Kidney Foundation of Bangladesh, 35,000-40,000 CKD patients (out of 18 million) develop kidney failure or end-stage renal kidney disease (ESRD) in Bangladesh every year. For these patients, kidney dialysis is the life-saving treatment that allows them to survive by taking over the functions of their failing kidneys, namely the removal of waste products and excess fluid from the blood.
One of SBF’s primary contributions in kidney disease treatment has been the installation and running of its multiple affordable kidney dialysis centers throughout Bangladesh. The primary goal was to focus on rural areas, where patients often struggle to find affordable treatment nearby, with many having to travel great distances to find the nearest facility for dialysis and subsequently having to pay exorbitant medical fees that they cannot afford. To this regard, SBF provides state-of-the-art kidney dialysis at subsidized rates for the poor and disadvantaged kidney patients, which they can access at their nearest centers.
The current goal is to continue funding these centers so that greater amounts of subsidies can be provided to patients in need.